Free Audio Bible Player

Our Chairman, Tony, attended a Talking Newspaper Conference recently and wants to let you know about this free offer.
The Torch Trust would love to give you a free audio Bible player – the Megavoice Pathway.  They come preloaded with David Suchet reading the New Testament and Psalms.

These audio Bibles are the size of a small remote control.  They have a few easy to use buttons to make it simple to start and stop, to move forward or backward between different sections.  They’ll also include some instructions to help you get started.  They have an in-built speaker and come with some in-ear headphones in case that would be better for you and your environment.  Rechargeable batteries are already installed and it comes with a charging cable for you to plug it in.  Lastly there’s a lanyard included so you can put the player around your neck so it’s harder to lose!

Anyone living in the UK who is blind or partially sighted and who is not a current client of Torch is eligible to receive one of these free players from us.  It is a gift – there is no obligation attached.

  • You can call the friendly team on 01858 438260 and they will take all the necessary details and get one in the post to you.
  • Alternatively, you can email: stating that you’d like to receive an audio Bible, confirming that you are living with sight loss and giving an address and telephone number. Terms and conditions apply.
  • For further information, check out our website, where you can order your free audio Bible player by completing the online form.