Our annual 3-way quiz, involving Grapevine from Great Yarmouth, Sound East from Lowestoft and Three Rivers, took place on Monday, 19 March at the Kensington Hotel, Great Yarmouth. And we’re delighted to announce that the trophy was won by Three Rivers, thanks to our clever colleagues, The K9 Crew, led by volunteer, Jill Bennett and friends.
It was a hard-fought quiz with only three points between the eventual winners and the runners-up from Grapevine. Thirteen teams, comprising a total of 50 entrants, were kept in order by a fast-paced quiz master, Simon Partridge, assisted by his wife Jean. The topics covered were wide-ranging and included ‘well-known Alans’ and the more familiar subjects of sport, geography and food.
The raffle raised nearly £80 for the Talking Newspapers and everyone dined on a delicious buffet supper, ensuring that a most enjoyable evening was had by all. Huge thanks to Grapevine who hosted the quiz this year and to The Kensington Hotel in Great Yarmouth for their excellent hospitality.