Annual General Meeting 2017 – Papers

The agenda for the 2017 AGM and Minutes of the 2016 meeting are available as downloads if required, the text is also given below.

3RTN-AGM-2017-Agenda and Minutes (PDF Format)

3RTN-AGM-2017-Agenda and Minutes (Microsoft Word Format)

Three Rivers Talking Newspaper

Treasurer: Zane Blanchard,  Chairman: Vaughan Shea,  Secretary:Charmian Lee

NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING to be held at Bungay Community Centre on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9th 2017 at 7.30 pm.
PLEASE try to attend.


1 Present
2 Apologies
3 Minutes of the previous AGM held 11th February 2016
4 Matters arising
5 Chairman’s Report
6 Treasurer’s Report
7 Secretary’s Report
8 Technical Officer’s Report
9 Magazine Editor’s Report
10 P.R. Officer’s Report
11 Election of Officers
12 A.O.B.
13 Date of next AGM

Three Rivers Talking Newspaper Nomination Form

I ______________________________, propose ___________________________

for the post of ________________________________

Signed ______________________________ (Proposer)

Signed ______________________________ (Seconder)

Signed ______________________________ (Agreed by Nominee)

Please note: The post of Chair becomes vacant. All other serving members of the Committee have agreed to stand for a further year.

ALL NOMINATIONS to the Secretary, Charmian Lee, 139 Beccles Rd, NR35 1HX by Thursday, 2nd February
Please indicate if you will be able to attend the AGM (links to the ‘Contact Us’ page)
* I will be attending the meeting
* I wish to give my apologies

Three Rivers Talking Newspaper

Draft Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at Bungay Community Centre
on Thursday, February 11th 2016

1. Present: Helen Kirby, Mary Weavers, Ann Norville, Anne Frith, Trevor French Vera Walker, Jim Lumsden, Norman Brooks, Emma Welton, Alan Weyman, Jill Bennett, Charmian Lee, Janet Timmins, Martin Evans, Zane Blanchard, Vaughan Shea, Robin Limmer, Shelagh Limmer

2. Apologies: Lorraine Smedley, Doreen Page, Sally Connor, Rosie Tuthill, Terri Gowing

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

3. Minutes of the 2015 AGM: These were signed by the Chair as a true record, proposed by Janet Timmins, seconded by Ann Norville.

4. Matters arising: None

5. Chairman’s Report: The Chair reported the following:

• Sorry to hear that one of our readers, Jenny Woods, had passed away; Janet Timmins added that Jenny had continued as a reserve reader despite being ill. She had been a keen quiz team member and she will be missed. The Chair also reported that 7 listeners had died over the past year.
• The annual quiz, hosted by Grapevine: The Darbys (a 3RTN team) won both the inter-TN trophy and the new David Wuyts trophy. Thank to all involved. Reminder given that this year’s quiz is to be held on Monday, 29th February, hosted by Sound East.
• Our new website – – is up and running; members urged to take a look. Bungay High School students had been asked to design a new logo for our stationery, but after discussion it was decided to use the updated logo made with computer graphics.
• New premises offered in Beccles, but considered impractical as there were steep stairs, cost was more and no free parking available. Decided to postpone search for another year as community centre probably not closing for another 2 years. Thanks to Martin and the caretaker, Les, for continuing to secure our home here.
• Quality of recordings – Vaughan, Jill and Helen had attended the Eastern Conference and met Jessica Thurtell and Martin Lycett. Jessica listened to some samples and said that the main problem was a technical one. Martin visited last Saturday and talked to most of the recordists (see Item 8 for further information). Jim Lumsden asked if there was any feedback from Jessica; Helen confirmed a short report had been received, the information from which would be cascaded to readers, but stressed that the main problem is technical
• Concert – Many thanks to all involved, but especially Jim Lumsden who virtually organised the whole thing on his own. Thanks also to music director Bram and to Beccles Friends in Harmony.

The Chair closed her report by thanking everyone involved in Three Rivers, with special thanks to Anne Frith (long standing readers’ representative) and to her husband John. Thanks given to all the volunteers and to the past and present committee members who have supported her during her 3 year tenure. Helen added that there will be good reason to celebrate the 25th Anniversary in June.

6. Treasurer’s Report: (circulated at the meeting and a copy filed with the minutes)
Zane reported that the financial position is sound highlighted the following:
• Current a/c balance = £1776.67
Business Reserve a/c balance = £10728.75
• Only £5.37 interest received; suggestion that committee should discuss finding higher interest rate on Reserve account.
• Petty Cash system introduced
• Introduced spreadsheet system for the accounts rather than double entry book keeping method
The treasurer’s report was approved, proposed by Norman Brooks, seconded by Vaughan Shea.

7. Secretary’s Report: Charmian reported that taking over as secretary had been an interesting experience! There have been 4 committee meetings through the year to discuss various topics.

There are currently 62 listeners on the books, many of whom have sent words of gratitude for the service we provide. There are 32 team volunteers plus about 15 reserves; the response to articles in the B&B has been good. We are always grateful of the support we receive.

Charmian encouraged those present to attend the quiz this year in Lowestoft on 29th February.

8. Technical Officer’s Report: Vaughan reported that 12 boomboxes had been purchase from Calibre audio and these have been distributed to our listeners. Mary Weavers reported that listeners prefer the new boxes.

He gave more detail on Martin Lycett’s visit; Martin had plugged in a Behringer USB-Audio interface gadget which has produced much clearer recordings.

The cassette player has been banished and new music added to the computer. Discussion followed about accessing the new music etc. Vaughan to visit each team’s recording session to go through the necessary changes.

Vaughan also thanked the person who returned the missing red USB stick and reminded members that the red sticks should not leave the studio.

9. Magazine Editor’s Report: Having got over the initial shock after taking this role on, Zane feels happier thanks to Martin’s constant support. Details of the four magazine recordings were shared and Zane now feels happy to take his training wheels off!!

10. Publicity Officer’s Report: Jill reported the following:
• Concert: Beccles ‘Friends in Harmony’ held in December was a great success, raising £680 for RTN funds.
• Helen, Sally and Jill had attended the Waveney Centre promotion day in November; lots of fliers were given out and contact made. Some local groups have expressed an interest in us giving a talk
• Jill to talk in Ladies Probus Group in April and Loddon Surgery Patients Group in July
• Jill has been in touch with the Chair of Beccles Hospital Fete Committee about us having a stall next summer; awaiting his reply

11. Election of Officers: Vaughan took the Chair. He was nominated as Chair, proposed by Helen Kirby, seconded by Charmian Lee; Emma Welton nominated as Vice Chair, proposed by Mary Weavers, seconded by Vera Walker. All other officers re-elected on block, proposed by Anne Frith, seconded by Janet Timmins.

Vaughan wishes to be Chair for just one year as he feels new blood is needed. He thanked Helen for all she has done over the last three years. Vaughan also pointed out that he cannot be Chair and President (currently “acting” role) and this will be discussed at a committee meeting.

Vaughan gave thanks to Mary Weavers who has done so much as Listener Liaison Officer. Emma Welton will take on this role in the coming months.

12. Any Other Business: Anne Frith thanked everybody for all they do for the listeners and hopes 3RTN will continue for years to come.

14. Date of next Annual General Meeting: Thursday, 9th February 2017

The meeting closed at 20.30