We held our AGM2023 on Saturday 10th June at Bungay Community Centre. During the meeting, Tony Rainbird was proposed and seconded as Chairman. However, the roles of Secretary and Treasurer remain vacant so, if you know of anyone who may be interested in taking on one of these roles, please ask them to contact us on 0778 999 4906. They don’t need to be a volunteer with us but would need to be co-opted on to the committee and attend four Committee meetings a year.
Once again, the AGM was followed by an afternoon tea, attended by nearly 50 people, which included listeners, present and past volunteers for Three Rivers, Peter Aldous MP, members of Suffolk Sight, and a representative of the Hand in Hand Club (which supports people with dual sensory loss)
This is the third time we have followed up the AGM with an afternoon tea. It seems to be a winning formula, with the attendees enjoying sandwiches and cakes made by the 3RTN committee members. Our thanks go to Maisebrooke Farm and the Co-Op Community Fund who, along with some of the attendees, provided very generous raffle prizes, which helped to raise around £115 for Three Rivers.
Thanks to Jill for sharing some snaps.
Outgoing Chair, Emma with new Chair, Tony
Volunteer Mike (R) presents prize to listener, David (L)
Raffle Prizes