Waveney & Blyth Arts are looking for visually impaired people with no, some, or lots of musical experience who would like to take part in music workshops led by nationally acclaimed blind musician Adrian Lee and sighted musician Jackie Walduck that are part of a project we are developing with the Norfolk and Norwich Association for the Blind.
Anyone interested in taking part in the music workshops should contact Jan from Waveney & Blyth Arts by ringing Bungay – 01986 – 895227 or by emailing jan@ollandstreet.co.uk
The project, ‘Sensing Nature’ is about the sounds local wildlife makes, uses, and experiences and it kicks off this October and November with talks, sound recordings and a human echo-location workshop!
On Sunday 2nd October from 10.30am to 1.30pm at The Cut in Halesworth nature writer Mark Cocker is talking about sounds in the natural world and Geoff Sample is playing sound recordings of local wildlife.
On Saturday 5th November from 11am to 3pm human echo-locator Dr Lore Thaler is teaching people how to find their way around using sound rather than sight and the following day Lisa Worledge from the national Bat Conservation Trust is talking about how bats do this naturally.
The human echo-location workshop costs £10 and is being held at Beccles Free School.
To book a place people should again contact Jan from Waveney & Blyth Arts by ringing Bungay – 01986 – 895227 or by emailing jan@ollandstreet.co.uk
Dr Lore Thaler’s talk about human echo-location and Lisa Worledge’s talk about bats are at The Cut in Halesworth.
Keep in touch for more information and up-to-date news on Facebook Waveney-Blyth-Arts and Twitter @waveneyblyth