Latest Activities & Events

Assistive Technology Support

Do you need help with your device?

If you would like to make your computer, tablet or phone easier to see, or want to connect with family and friends using voice alone, help is available.

Suffolk Sight is offering drop-in sessions offering advice on accessibility at Lowestoft Library from 10am–12 noon on the following three dates:

Saturday 21st September
Saturday 19th October
Saturday 16th November

Full details in the attached poster

For more information, email or call 01284 748800.

Suffolk Sight Drop-in Sessions in Lowestoft

Suffolk Sight have teamed up with DANES to provide advice and support to build confidence and maintain independence.  The drop-in sessions will be held in DANES, 161 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, on the first Tuesday of every month.   The first one will be held on Tuesday August 13th and thereafter, on 10 September, 08 October, 12 November and 10 December 2024.

For more information, call 01502 511 333.

Suffolk Sight Equipment and Information Day, Monday 10th June

We’re delighted to share the following invitation from Suffolk Sight.
You are invited to come along and try out the latest equipment and technology which is specifically designed for people with a visual impairment. This is a free event, open to any age group, the location is known as the Over 60’s Club in Clapham Road South, Lowestoft NR32 1QS and the event takes place on Monday 10th June from 10am to 2pm.
We will be joined by some of the UK’s leading suppliers who will bring along a range of items, from magnification devices to kitchen gadgets! Trained staff will be on hand to guide you through the products available.
You can also find out how to get the best out of your smart phone, tablet, or computer.
Local charities and organisations also attending on the day include: Macular Society, Sensing Change, Disability Advice North East Suffolk, Vision Norfolk and Communities Together East Anglia.
There will be information about the services that Suffolk Sight provides, and how we can support people living with sight loss.
For more information email or call 01284 748800 

Save the Date – Our Annual Tea Party is Drawing Near!

Please note Saturday, June 8th at 1.45pm @ Bungay Community Centre in your diary now!

Once again, we invite all our volunteers, listeners and partner organisations to join us in a celebratory Afternoon Tea Party, preceded by a brief look back at Three Rivers TN’s achievements over the past year.   This is a great opportunity to formally thank our wonderful volunteers for the great work they do in bringing the local news to our listeners….all this over a cuppa and some delicious cakes.   And, of course, there’s always the chance of winning something special in the raffle….so do bring along some cash!

Formal invitations will be sent out to all concerned in the coming week.  If, for some reason, you haven’t received your invitation by Monday 20th May, please get in touch with Cecilia and she will sort things out.   Cecilia can be contacted on 07483 823 269 or on

Our Annual Tea Party has now become a bit of a tradition, the first one having taken place in 2021, as a post-lockdown celebration of our return to “business as normal” and the move to our new premises at Bungay Community Centre.  Things have moved on since then, we have bigger and better plans for the future (hear more about this on Saturday June 8th) and we very much look forward to clinking a china cup with you on the day!



New Sight Loss Group

We are inviting you to join a new group – Succeeding with Sight Loss.

Our aim is to bring people together to share their successes and
identify challenges to be overcome.

At our first get together we hope to identify the focus for discussion at
future meetings. We will be joined on the first occasion by members
of Suffolk Sight.

We will meet at The Galley, Smallgate, Beccles NR34 9AD on
Wednesday, 27th March at 2 pm until 4 pm. This is close to the bus
station and to Tesco for parking. Refreshments will be available.

Our initial meeting will decide the frequency and dates of future

If you would like to attend, please contact Terry Dentith by phone
01502 716590 or email

Succeeding with Sight Loss, where vision is not just what we see
but what we can achieve together.

A Message from Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service


The prevention team and fire fighters across Suffolk are dedicated to saving lives by working with the community, discussing fire safety and offering advice to eliminate or reduce the risk of fire occurring in the home. The best way to save a life is to prevent a fire in the first place and Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service can offer a free Home Fire Safety Check to all those eligible. Any resident within Suffolk can request one and they are free of charge.

  • We will provide and install Free 10 year smoke alarms/carbon monoxide alarms if necessary
  • Give Life Saving Advice in the event of a fire in your home
  • How to make a fire escape plan for you and your family
  • Practical Advice on identifying fire hazards in the home

To receive free Home Fire Safety Advice and to check your eligibility for a free Home Fire Safety Check

Call 01473 260 588 or email 



Free Audio Bible Player

Our Chairman, Tony, attended a Talking Newspaper Conference recently and wants to let you know about this free offer.
The Torch Trust would love to give you a free audio Bible player – the Megavoice Pathway.  They come preloaded with David Suchet reading the New Testament and Psalms.

These audio Bibles are the size of a small remote control.  They have a few easy to use buttons to make it simple to start and stop, to move forward or backward between different sections.  They’ll also include some instructions to help you get started.  They have an in-built speaker and come with some in-ear headphones in case that would be better for you and your environment.  Rechargeable batteries are already installed and it comes with a charging cable for you to plug it in.  Lastly there’s a lanyard included so you can put the player around your neck so it’s harder to lose!

Anyone living in the UK who is blind or partially sighted and who is not a current client of Torch is eligible to receive one of these free players from us.  It is a gift – there is no obligation attached.

  • You can call the friendly team on 01858 438260 and they will take all the necessary details and get one in the post to you.
  • Alternatively, you can email: stating that you’d like to receive an audio Bible, confirming that you are living with sight loss and giving an address and telephone number. Terms and conditions apply.
  • For further information, check out our website, where you can order your free audio Bible player by completing the online form.

A Message from Lowestoft Hand in Hand Club

Lowestoft Hand in Hand Club is a social group for people with dual sensory loss – sight and hearing.  We enjoy many different activities whilst following the group’s interests.  These include music, talks, outings,  a Christmas lunch in the Victoria Hotel and much more.  Volunteers are on hand or, if you prefer, your carer can also attend.

The group meets on the first Monday of the month in the Deaf Centre,  50-52 Blackheath Road, Lowestoft and transport can be organised for those who need it..    Call Christine on 01502 717697 for more information or if you wish join in the fun.

AGM2023 and Afternoon Tea a Great Success

We held our AGM2023 on Saturday 10th June at Bungay Community Centre. During the meeting, Tony Rainbird was proposed and seconded as Chairman.  However, the roles of Secretary and Treasurer remain vacant so, if you know of anyone who may be interested in taking on one of these roles,  please ask them to contact us on 0778 999 4906.  They don’t need to be a volunteer with us but would need to be co-opted on to the committee and attend four Committee meetings a year.

Once again, the AGM was followed by an afternoon tea, attended by nearly 50 people, which included listeners, present and past volunteers for Three Rivers, Peter Aldous MP, members of Suffolk Sight, and a representative of the Hand in Hand Club (which supports people with dual sensory loss)

This is the third time we have followed up the AGM with an afternoon tea. It seems to be a winning formula, with the attendees enjoying sandwiches and cakes made by the 3RTN committee members. Our thanks go to Maisebrooke Farm and the Co-Op Community Fund who, along with some of the attendees, provided very generous raffle prizes, which helped to raise around £115 for Three Rivers.

Thanks to Jill for sharing some snaps.

Outgoing Chair, Emma with new Chair, Tony

Volunteer Mike (R) presents prize to listener, David (L)

Raffle Prizes


Generous Donation from the Buffaloes!

Brother Cooper RAOB with Emma (Chair of Thee Rivers TN)
Chairman, Emma, with cheque

We wish to express our sincere thanks to Britannia Lodge RAOB for their most generous donation of £300.  Particular thanks go to Brother Cooper for nominating our charity and to his wonderful mother (a listener of ours) who contributed £50 towards the donation.

Having attended their meeting recently, we felt quite overwhelmed by the amazing work that RAOB (or Royal  Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes) does in the local community.  We also feel humbled to have been included with such worthy causes, all of them carrying out incredibly important projects in our local area.

Although this donation came as a complete surprise to us, it couldn’t have been more timely as we were planning to purchase a second-hand laptop. This will act as a back-up to our main computer (now quite old), which is used for recording, editing and duplicating our audio files.

Many thanks again for the kind donation, Buffaloes, and many thanks for all the wonderful work you do in our community.